Sketchbook, One Drawing a Day: Faces
Drawing 30 minutes a day in my sketchbook is really becoming addictive. In general, drawing the human figure has always been difficult for me and this daily practice is really helping me to understand anatomy and I’m starting to feel more comfortable with the human form. I’ve been illustrating architecture for so many years, using mostly straight lines. The idea of illustrating without a straight edge and using curved forms is exciting, it feels like I’m re-discovering my love of drawing. For the next two weeks, I will be focusing on studying the human face.

Face Study, 3.31.2013

Face Study, 4.1.2013

Face Study, 4.2.2013

Face Study, 4.3.2013

Face Study, 4.4.2013

Face Study, 4.5.2013

Face Study, 4.6.2013

Face Study, 4.7.2013

Face Studies, 4.8.2013

Face Study, 4.9.2013

Face Study, 4.10.2013

Face Study, 4.11.2013

Face Study, 4.12.2013

Face Study, 4.13.2013
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