I used to spend hours a day drawing in my sketchpad. Over the past couple of years I’ve been creating mostly client-commissioned work and it’s been difficult to find time to sketch regularly for myself. Starting at the beginning of February, I am going to spend 30 minutes a day drawing.
I will post new work weekly.

Hand Study | 2.1.2013

Face Study | 2.2.201

Face Study | 2.3.2013

Figure Sketch | 2.4.2013

Figure Drawing | 2.5.2013

Fantasy Landscape | 2.6.2013

Fun character w bird living in its head | 2.7.201

Come up with your own title | 2.8.2013

Hand Studies | 2.9.2013

Bone Studies | 2.10.2013

Skeleton Study | 2.11.20

Skull, Front View | 2.12.2013

Skull, Side View | 2.13.2013

Skeleton Study | 2.14.2013

Vertebrae | 2.15.2013

Skull Studies | 2.16.2013
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