Tutorial, Crypto Art: Create a Dystopian City Using Traditional Painting Techniques and Cinema 4D
In this series of lessons we will cover a lot to give you a solid understanding of the creative and technical steps of combining traditional and 3D illustrative techniques. The topics that will be covered include:
01. An overview of the process used to create your own custom-crafted brush strokes using traditional painting methods.
02. Turning your painted brushstrokes into materials in Cinema 4D and applying them to 3D models.
03. 3D Modeling the elements that make up the dystopian city such as parametric primitives, buildings, pyramids, wires, pipes, birds and the use of MoGraph cloners.
04. How to establish a solid composition using the rule of thirds and leading the eye to the main focal of the image.
05. Lighting using visible omni lights and environment fog.
06. Multi-pass Rendering using the standard renderer, cel renderer, and sketch and toon.
07. Post-production workflows in Adobe Photoshop covering compositing, painting, glows, lighting, and effects for enhanced visual impact.
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