Category "Cinema 4D"
There are 55 results found

A Beginners Guide to Getting Started in 3D Getting started in 3D can be exciting, but overwhelming at the same time. There are many options to choose from for specializations, software, hardware, and training. Once you narrow down the area […]

Daily Explorations: Animated Stills in After Effects For this daily explorations project, I experimented with techniques for animating still images. The main purpose of this was to figure out an interesting way to incorporate stills into my demo reel. All […]

Tutorial: Model a Walk of Fame in Cinema 4D In this tutorial I will teach you how to model a walk of fame in Cinema 4D. The topics that will be covered are modeling with splines and NURBS, creating custom […]

Tutorial: Sketch and Toon | Cel Rendering in Cinema 4D In this tutorial you will learn the process for rendering various line types using Sketch and Toon and the Cel Renderer in Cinema 4D. Starting with the Cel Render effect, […]

University Hospitals Illustration Breakdown Every week while driving to Tri-C to teach, I would pass the University Hospitals building and think to myself ‘I want to illustrate this’. I love the contrast of the big curved elements against the angular […]

Tutorial: Create a Tim Burton Inspired Concert Poster Using Cinema 4D and Photoshop In this tutorial I’ll guide you through the process I used to create a concert poster using Cinema 4D and Photoshop. The topics that will be covered […]

Tutorial: Model a Glass Pitcher in Cinema 4D In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to model a pitcher in Cinema 4D. In this video I will demonstrate modeling of the pitcher with a spline and lathe NURBS, making it editable […]

08 Cinema 4D Tutorials: Lights In this 8th episode of intro to Cinema 4D Tutorials, you’ll learn how the lights work. The tools that will be covered are the omni, spot, target, area, and infinite lights. The topics that will […]

Cinema 4D Tutorials: Cameras In this 7th episode of intro to Cinema 4D Tutorials, you’ll learn how the cameras work. The tools that will be covered are the camera object, target camera, 3D stereo camera, and motion camera. I created a […]

Cinema 4D Tutorials: Environment Tools In this 6th episode of intro to Cinema 4D Tutorials, you’ll learn how the environment tools work. The tools that will be covered are the floor, sky, environment, foreground, background, stage, physical sky, cloud tool, and […]