Animating 3D Text in Cinema 4D
Join Pete Maric for a tutorial on animating 3D text in Cinema 4D. In the course you will learn how to use polyFX, the plain effector, deformers, emitter, and add post-production detail to create a dynamic text animation.
This course is broken down into bite-size lessons and is easy to follow. Course contents include the following:
File Organization
Animation using polyFX, plain effector, deformers, and emitters.
Camera Animation
Post-production in After Effects
Students should have at least a basic knowledge of Cinema 4D’s interface and tools. This course builds off the skills learned in my Skillshare class ‘3D Type in Cinema 4D and Photoshop’. If you want to follow along with the model that I use, you can download it from the class project section on Skillshare.
The first 25 people can enroll for free using this link: http://skl.sh/2epkv9j.
You can gain access to all my Skillshare classes for only $0.99 for the first three months. Follow this link to become a member of Skillshare: http://skl.sh/2fENgwb.
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