Animated Backgrounds in After Effects

Part of my Daily Explorations series, I focused on creating animated backgrounds in After Effects for the past few weeks.  To create these backgrounds, I used a simple shape layer (square, ellipse, polygon, or star) and two repeaters. From there, I set keyframes for the shape layer’s size, stroke width, and opacity.

Overall, I am enjoying learning more about After Effects. I’ve mainly used this program for compositing 3D stills and post-production effects.  A few aspects that I like are is it’s ease-of-use and how quickly you can create animations. 

About the author

Hi, I’m Pete Maric. I grew up in Cleveland and graduated from CIA. After freelancing for a number of years, I launched Triplet 3D in 2013. I am interested in anything design related, from architecture to animation and am inspired by good books, progressive ideas, art and music. I also play guitar and gig regularly in the Cleveland area.

There are 2 comments so far

  • mark benson
    11 years ago · Reply

    I love this animation and nice background music i like it so much what is the title of that song?

    • Pete Maric Author
      11 years ago · Reply

      Thanks Mark. The music is just a loop I found in Garageband called ‘travel’. It was a 30 second clip so I duplicated it to fit the animation.

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